League of United Latin American Citizens
How We Exist
SILOS is created as LULAC Council #383. As such, we enjoy 501(c)4 status as a non-profit entity.
Founded in 1929, LULAC is the oldest and most widely respected Hispanic civil rights organization in the U.S., with approximately 140,000 members and supporters throughout the U.S. and Puerto Rico.
LULAC’s Mission is “to advance the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, housing, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population of the United States” through community-based programs operating at more than 1,000 LULAC councils nationwide and serves all Hispanic nationality groups of Latin America (Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Uruguay, and Venezuela).
As a LULAC council, SILOS also enjoys access to a wide range of resources and programs that include grant opportunities, legal resources, immigration services, civil rights information, enhanced funding opportunities, scholarship programs, health programs, and is empowered to create and develop opportunities where they are needed most.
SILOS LULAC Council 383 is currently targeting ten specific issue areas that we will focus on in assisting our community:
1. Civil Rights
2. Education/Scholarship Opportunities
3. Employment
4. Access to Health Services
5. Public Policy
6. Immigration
7. Technology Skills and Training
8. Women’s Issues
9. Economic Empowerment
10. Affordable Housing